Monday, August 16, 2010


I've grown up to believe that an adult is someone who is responsible, confident, intelligent, mature, patient, fearless... At 20 years of age some people consider me a young-adult, believe it or not. HA!I'll tell you a little secret-
-I panic if a bee is within a 20 foot radius of me.
-The more I learn, the stupider I feel.
-I'm terrified of swimming in lakes and oceans. (I had a panic attack in 4 feet of water at Bear Lake once.. My family just laughed at me. Thanks guys..)
-I have moments now and then when I feel insecure.
-Mature? I don't even know what that word means.
-I still wipe my mouth on my sleeve.

-I scream when I see spiders.
-I try to always be responsible. (Does that count?)
-When I'm alone in my car or my room I love to sing to the radio, but hate to do it with gum. So I'll take my gum out and set it on my nightstand or dashboard and then forget all about it. I do it over and over. So it tends to accumulate... TMI?
-I sleep with stuffed animals.. um. Maybe.
-Our family pet is one of my best friends. He brings out the child in me!
-Patience. Now that is one characteristic that I do have.. but DON'T test me!
-I chew with my mouth open, sometimes.

Let me tell you somethin - there is no such thing as an 'adult'. I'm 20 and I'm still looking for a true adult in this world. I have come to the conclusion that 'adults' are just kids in grown bodies.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Remember, a while ago, I put up a video that was sent to me by my dad? Well, I have good news and bad news about that...

Bad News: The website doesn't have that video anymore so we will never be able to see it ever again. :(

Good News: The website has a new video! You can watch it here.


(Go ahead, make your own. You know you want to.)

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I've taken piano lessons for so many years of my life that I lost count... point is: I never got past level 4. (Maybe 3..) Trying to read music for two different hands is impossible. I don't know how anyone does it! So I quit. As a consequence, I can't even read sheet music anymore. I regret it. Slightly. But now, thanks to, I can learn songs online and memorize them. Then play them anywhere at anytime and impress people! It's awesome! Until they ask me to sight read something... then they learn the truth... then they're not so impressed anymore... So if I ever play a song for you, act impressed and DON'T ask me to sight read. Mmmkay? Thanks.

Now, to show you some songs I've learned! (You'll should be slightly impressed.)

One Man's Dream - Yanni

Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven

Beautiful, aren't they? They calm my soul.