Friday, April 2, 2010

Catch Me. Please?

When I was 12 years old I received a tetanus shot. Then minutes later my shoulders really started to ache and began to feel rather heavy. “Hmmm, that’s strange.” I thought. I just tried to ignore it.

Another minute or so went by and then I lost all feeling. This included my feet which, as you can imagine, made it rather difficult to simply stand up. “Wow, now that‘s really strange.” I thought. So I then put all of my concentration into balancing so I could just stand upright. (I probably should have lied down but I was more concerned about what the 200+ people in the gymnasium would have thought of me. Keep in mind I was only 12.:))

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any stranger, everything went black and I could no longer see. Perfect. Once this happened then I thought maybe it was finally time to tell someone. I knew Kelsey was behind me so I said, “Kelsey, catch me.” In the darkness I heard a loud BANG! Although I couldn’t feel anything at the time (trust me, I was feeling it for a long time afterwards!) I knew exactly what had happened.

I ‘awoke’ to find myself flat on my back and surrounded by my mother and a bunch of doctor’s. They were all calling my name and asking a bunch of questions all at once. I couldn’t comprehend anything they were trying to ask me. It all felt like a dream. I only had ONE thing on my mind, so first thing’s first - I sat up, looked directly at Kelsey and said, “YOU DIDN’T CATCH ME!” (Apparently she never heard me…)

The doctors told me my nerves from getting a shot is probably what caused me to faint. Pffft! I wasn’t even nervous. But they ARE the doctors, so I’ve avoided needles at all costs over the past 8 years. I didn't want a repeat of what happened and I knew I couldn't count on Kelsey to catch me ;) I had to get some blood drawn the other day and when the doctor told me that I think that I may have gone into shock. So she took me to the room where they take your blood and the nurse is preparing for me. I noticed one vile on the counter. I can’t believe I have to fill that whole thing!! Then she puts 4 more on the counter.. Ugh. Now I’m getting really nervous.

Here comes that needle, it’s been 8 years - I’ve forgotten what to expect. But to my surprise I barely felt it. I watched as the blood spurted into the vile. This. Is. AWESOME! I don’t think she could have filled up those 5 viles any faster.

I’m actually positive that she didn’t get enough blood. Infact, I should probably go back and have her draw 5 more viles just for good measure. And this time, I want to stick the needle in.

1 comment:

  1. I fainted at the FedEx Kinko's store about 5 years ago! I was waiting in line forever to ship a package (Christmas rush) and I started to feel really lightheaded, so I stepped out of line, started to lose my balance, and fall. Lucky for me, there were some guys behind me in line who were able to catch me. So, I laid there on the ground with my feet up on a chair to restore blood back to my head. I was next in line, too! I did ship the package before I left. ;)

    Don't ever lock your knees while standing for long periods of time. You cut off circulation, and then when you do move, all the blood rushes out of your head to fill up your legs. That's what happened to me.
