Friday, March 25, 2011

Decisions. Decisions.

It's been decided..
That's all.
Thank you for reading.

Monday, March 21, 2011

This One's For MyCool

Spring break is over.

Ugh. Those four words have the power to darken my days. I'm still in denial... Good thing I have boxes upon boxes of Girl Scout cookies to last me until sweet summer hits!

To make things worse school started today. Back to the daily grind. On top of all that, I ran out of gas on the highway headed home from class. Perrrrfect. It. Was. Awesome. I'm pretty sure the gas gage is broken, it just barely warned me to fill up. Usually I can go miles and miles after getting the warning before I HAVE to fill up. Some people tell me to fill up BEFORE the warning light comes on. Where's the fun in that? I like to live on the edge! I'm so wild.

While stranded on the road waiting for my dear mommy to bring me gas, not one person stopped to see if I was okay. Jerks. So from here on out, I'll stop for every car stopped on the side of the road with their hazard lights blinking. And I'll continue to live on the wild side and fill up after the warning light comes on.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What if...?

What if... I had BLONDE hair?!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fight For The Crown

Who knew waiting for cookies to bake could be soooo much fun?!!

Laughter truely is the best medicine.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's... again.

It has been exactly 1 year and 1 day since I've created this blog. Crazy how much can change in a year.. I found this quote somewhere and seeing as it's Valentine's Day, thought it was appropriate to share it.

We were given:

Two hands to hold.

Two legs to walk.

Two eyes to see.

Two ears to listen.

But why only one heart?

Because the other was given to someone else....

...for us to find.


Awwww.. tender.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Time Saver. Creep Shield. Whatever you wanna call it...

I have had mixed reactions from various people about my 'time saver'. But I don't care what anyone thinks. This idea is genius!! Why didn't I do this before? Seriously.

BAM. There is it. An $8 ring from icing that looks as real as any wedding ring out there. And it's going to save me sooooo much time. Priceless.