Saturday, July 31, 2010


Wow.. it took me a couple of trys on my password to log into my blog. That's how long it's been since I've last written! My deepest apologies for such a long wait.

Anyways, to the point.

20. I am currently 20 years of age. During my 20th year a lot has changed. I mean A LOT! I'm practically a new person. No joke.

Now it's no secret that I have developed (in every aspect) much slower than other girls my age. But I think this year alone I have caught up. Let me explain.

Soon after I turned 20, I bought my first pair of heels. Best. Purchase. Ever! I am close to owning as many pairs of heels as I have Nike running shoes. That day will definitely be a day of celebration.

A few months later, I learned how to curl my hair. Wow. They were gorgeous with my extentions. No hair spray necessary!

Shortly after that, I cut my hair. I mean I freakin chopped that stuff off! It's different.. but I can still curl it! (with the help of a lot of hairspray..) When I cut my hair and got it styled, that was my first time in a hair salon in literally over 2 years. As you can imagine, by ends were really bad... bleh.

Next, I started painting my toe nails. (I still haven't branched out to painting my finger nails yet. Maybe year 21.) I paint them often. Too often. I now coordinate the colors to the outfits I will be wearing. Oh it's sooo much fun! Nail painting party, anyone?

After that, I spent my own money on a dress for church. I never believed in spending my own money on church clothes because I hate skirts and dresses and anything of that sort. Now the only thing I care about is having cute clothes for church. (Probably me trying to compensate for years of wearing the same 2 outfits...)

So there you have it. I'm a woman now.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bird Whisperer

I have had the MOST bizarre encounters with birds in the past week.

First off, a few months ago while driving on the freeway a seagull flew into my windshield. Sometime bugs or little rocks hit your windshield and make a loud noise that scares you. Well wait until you have a full grown seagull fly beak first into your windshield while going 75MPH. It almost gave my dearest Grandma a heart attack!

That was just the beginning of the strange encounters.

A week ago I was walking along my driveway and on a low branch was a young bird. It did not fly away as I approached. As I came to the branch (which was slightly above my head), I reached up, and pulled it down. I was face to face with this bird, only 6 inches of air were between us. I observed it, then I petted its feathers, then observed it some more, then I tried to poke it softly off the branch to make it fly (it wouldn't budge), then observed it even more, then was a little bored. So I lifted the branch back up softly and it flew away. Strange, I thought.

The next day while walking across a path that lead to my other Grandmother's house it was in the grass. As I approached it flew into a near by bush. So I followed it and it still would not budge.

The following day I was walking over to my Aunt's (crossing the same path) and this bird came out of no where! It flew to the branch right above my head and it seemed as if he was observing me.

This was all so strange. I thought I was loosing it with reality. But, sadly, that was the last time I ever did see that bird.

Then, the next day, I was driving home from work and I saw a magpie up ahead on the telephone lines. It flew off and started to fly right at me. Straight for my windshield, then at the very last minute he swerved upward. It was like playing a game of chicken.

So bizarre.

Then, the next day, while walking back from my Grandmother's house I was reading while walking across my lawn. I decided I should probably watch where I was walking and as I looked down I was just about to step on a bird. Phew! That was a close one. I looked at the bird, it wasn't a brand new baby. I'm surprised he didn't fly away. He just starred and starred. I walked to the side and he just continued to stare. I felt a little awkward. He hopped through the grass, his beady black eyes still starring into mine.

I decided to walk toward him. He broke eye contact. HA! Then he hopped away. I realized he couldn't fly, poor thing. And I knew exactly what would happen if my cat found him. I couldn't bare to see that happen to him. So I captured him into a box that I filled with grass and put a small, net covering on top so he could still enjoy the sunshine and the breeze. I even fed him worms and water. He loved me. I loved him.

Finally I found Simon and put him inside and released my little bird friend. Right when I released him where I found him a full grown red-robin fly right above my head and was making the loudest, most annoying chips and kept flying by. Probably his mother. Dang it. I wanted to raise him. I haven't seen him since. But I will never forget him or my other bird encounters!

Sometimes I wish I were a bird so I could fly too.


I am terrified of spiders. I thought this fear would diminish with age, but I'm 20 now and I still call my mom to come kill spiders for me. I guess time doesn't heal everything.

The other night I saw a black spider on my pillow. Naturally, I screamed! Then it ran away somewhere into my bed... so then I was forced to find somewhere else to sleep.

A few weeks ago when I was shampooing my hair there was something in it. I assumed it was dirt from mowing the lawn, so I got a hold of it and pulled it out. It was a spider.

I have a problem with eating. I mean sometimes I drool, it's quite a problem. I really can't help it. The other day while eating a roll I drooled... and out came a spider. Bleh! So maybe drooling is a good thing.. right?

Dear spiders, please please leave me alone. Mmmmkay? Thanks.