Monday, November 29, 2010

I Am In Love

I have always been skeptical of 'love at first sight'... until it happened to me.

The moment I set eyes on him I knew he was the one. We instantly connected with each other.

He has everything I have ever dreamed of -- Personality. Spunk. Beautiful eyes. Kind heart. Caring. Soft side. Listens more than he talks. I could go on forever!

The day we met was truly magical.

It has been 7 years since that day, and the magic is still strong as ever.

I look forward to coming home everyday and find him waiting to greet me.

We make meals together, watch TV together, enjoy the outdoors together.

Best of all, I can talk and talk and talk and he will listen to everything.

He never tells my secrets. He never gossips or complains. Never interrupts.

He is my best friend.
His name is Simon.
And he is my pet cat.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesdays. Tuesdays. Tuesdays.

You wanna hear about my day? Ohhh I'll tell you about my day alright, and I won't spare any details! (Actually this was Tuesday, but whatev.)

So I wake up and there is snow on the ground. Bad start right there. Ugh... brace yourself. It only get worse.

Then on the way to turn on the light, I stub my big toe. Ouch! I got up early and curled my hair and clipped in my extensions. That's actually good news - it looked gorgeous! But I burnt my ear. Then I tried to move something heavy and pulled something in my back. Have you ever had a really stiff neck? Yeah, imagine that through your whole back! You can barely function.

Then, I was late for my appointment. Those who know me, already know I get sooo anxious when I'm running late. Then I forgot my check for my appointment. Bleh. But I brushed it off and went about my day.

Around noon I went to the DMV to renew my driver's license. (This is the sole reason I got up and took the pain and time of curling my hair...) Anyways, I drove through the snow storm and got there only to get my picture taken and after all of the paper work find out that my hair was messed up and sticking up like a mad woman. Jussst perfect.

So much for Tuesday's..

Hoping for better tomorrows.

Buh-Bye Blackberry...

The Blackberry is an organized freak's best friend.

I had a protected file with passwords to various accounts saved in it.
I had everything from to-do's, birthdays, and plans recorded in my calendar.

I had countless memorable pictures, ringtones, and videos saved.

I had over 400 contacts...

You may have noticed that each sentence is in past tense.. I meant to do that. Sadly, I once had all of that. That is - until I flushed my phone down the toilet.

Without fail, everytime the subject comes up someone mentions about a time when they dropped something of their's into the toilet. That sucks but, ummm... hello?! I said that I FLUSHED my phone down the toilet. It's gone. Disappeared. Non-existent.

There seems to be a lot of confusion when I tell people what happened to my phone. Most assume I was using the bathroom and the phone dropped and I didn't happen to notice... uhh no. If that was the case, I don't think I should be allowed to go to the bathroom unsupervised. Seriously people. Come on.
Let me clarify for everyone out there so we can all put this behind us and except that some toilets can flush a phone without clogging. A'ight?

Here's how the whole thing went down:

It's early morning and I'm helping at a fundraiser at a public park. (Yeah, karma's a witch.) After a few hours I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. I'm only human. So I went to the bathroom, and my phone was in my back pocket and when I pulled my pants back up it must have been hanging out precariously. So I flushed the toilet then I turn to leave the stall and I heard something hit the toilet and fall in. My first thought was, "NOOO! MY FAVORITE CHAPSTICK!!! Right as I turn I saw just in the knick of time my sweet black berry pearl being sucked up into the toilet.

I know what you're thinking. "No way."

In a state of shock I went out and this is what went down.

Me: *Tears forming* "Umm.. I.. think I just... umm, uhhh... flushed my toilet down the toilet."
Anna: *Half smile/cautious/confused* "Haha...ha. Really?"

Me: *Half smile/still in shock* "Yeah. Hahah. I did. Hahahahaha!"

Anna: *Smiling* "Hahahahaha!"

I laughed for about 2.7 seconds. Then it immediately turned into sobbing. All laughing ceased immediately and people jumped to my rescue.

One my raced into the bathroom and shoved his arm as far up the toilet as he could get it. Which wasn't very far at all... but thank you so much for trying. It meant a lot! Another man, with a sweet accent, got a wire hanger to put up the pipes and feel around for my phone. No luck. Another man offered to take the toilet apart for me. (Yes, I was sobbing sobbing. I looked a mess.) It was a kind offer, but I declined. His efforts would have been unsuccessful. I didn't want to waste anyone else's time. I knew the fate of my phone. And I accepted it. Sort of.

It was a sad sad day.

But on the bright side.. I got a new phone that exact same day and have since then been building my contacts list once again. (I'm at 65 and counting...)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Home Sweet Home

There has been mass confusion with big decisions lately. School. No school. Moving out. Moving 'back' in. Job. No job. People actually expect me to know what's going on! To tell you the truth, I'm usually the last to really know. It's possible. (Trust me.)

Anyways... at the time when I was moving out, my parents took a little trip. On that little trip I decided to move 'back' in. Forever. Well, almost forever. I also decided I would give them a nice surprise so that they would know I was really staying this time.


Thanks goes to...
New Paint: Lowes
Paint Material: Lowes
Beautiful New Bed: Grandma Smith

24 hour make over. Now I know the pictures don't show a ton... but, it's a whole different room now. Simpler. Cleaner. I feel like I'm at the beach! (Besides the huge pine trees right outside my window blocking any view I may of had...) But I LOVE it sooo much.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I've grown up to believe that an adult is someone who is responsible, confident, intelligent, mature, patient, fearless... At 20 years of age some people consider me a young-adult, believe it or not. HA!I'll tell you a little secret-
-I panic if a bee is within a 20 foot radius of me.
-The more I learn, the stupider I feel.
-I'm terrified of swimming in lakes and oceans. (I had a panic attack in 4 feet of water at Bear Lake once.. My family just laughed at me. Thanks guys..)
-I have moments now and then when I feel insecure.
-Mature? I don't even know what that word means.
-I still wipe my mouth on my sleeve.

-I scream when I see spiders.
-I try to always be responsible. (Does that count?)
-When I'm alone in my car or my room I love to sing to the radio, but hate to do it with gum. So I'll take my gum out and set it on my nightstand or dashboard and then forget all about it. I do it over and over. So it tends to accumulate... TMI?
-I sleep with stuffed animals.. um. Maybe.
-Our family pet is one of my best friends. He brings out the child in me!
-Patience. Now that is one characteristic that I do have.. but DON'T test me!
-I chew with my mouth open, sometimes.

Let me tell you somethin - there is no such thing as an 'adult'. I'm 20 and I'm still looking for a true adult in this world. I have come to the conclusion that 'adults' are just kids in grown bodies.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Remember, a while ago, I put up a video that was sent to me by my dad? Well, I have good news and bad news about that...

Bad News: The website doesn't have that video anymore so we will never be able to see it ever again. :(

Good News: The website has a new video! You can watch it here.


(Go ahead, make your own. You know you want to.)

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I've taken piano lessons for so many years of my life that I lost count... point is: I never got past level 4. (Maybe 3..) Trying to read music for two different hands is impossible. I don't know how anyone does it! So I quit. As a consequence, I can't even read sheet music anymore. I regret it. Slightly. But now, thanks to, I can learn songs online and memorize them. Then play them anywhere at anytime and impress people! It's awesome! Until they ask me to sight read something... then they learn the truth... then they're not so impressed anymore... So if I ever play a song for you, act impressed and DON'T ask me to sight read. Mmmkay? Thanks.

Now, to show you some songs I've learned! (You'll should be slightly impressed.)

One Man's Dream - Yanni

Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven

Beautiful, aren't they? They calm my soul.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Wow.. it took me a couple of trys on my password to log into my blog. That's how long it's been since I've last written! My deepest apologies for such a long wait.

Anyways, to the point.

20. I am currently 20 years of age. During my 20th year a lot has changed. I mean A LOT! I'm practically a new person. No joke.

Now it's no secret that I have developed (in every aspect) much slower than other girls my age. But I think this year alone I have caught up. Let me explain.

Soon after I turned 20, I bought my first pair of heels. Best. Purchase. Ever! I am close to owning as many pairs of heels as I have Nike running shoes. That day will definitely be a day of celebration.

A few months later, I learned how to curl my hair. Wow. They were gorgeous with my extentions. No hair spray necessary!

Shortly after that, I cut my hair. I mean I freakin chopped that stuff off! It's different.. but I can still curl it! (with the help of a lot of hairspray..) When I cut my hair and got it styled, that was my first time in a hair salon in literally over 2 years. As you can imagine, by ends were really bad... bleh.

Next, I started painting my toe nails. (I still haven't branched out to painting my finger nails yet. Maybe year 21.) I paint them often. Too often. I now coordinate the colors to the outfits I will be wearing. Oh it's sooo much fun! Nail painting party, anyone?

After that, I spent my own money on a dress for church. I never believed in spending my own money on church clothes because I hate skirts and dresses and anything of that sort. Now the only thing I care about is having cute clothes for church. (Probably me trying to compensate for years of wearing the same 2 outfits...)

So there you have it. I'm a woman now.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bird Whisperer

I have had the MOST bizarre encounters with birds in the past week.

First off, a few months ago while driving on the freeway a seagull flew into my windshield. Sometime bugs or little rocks hit your windshield and make a loud noise that scares you. Well wait until you have a full grown seagull fly beak first into your windshield while going 75MPH. It almost gave my dearest Grandma a heart attack!

That was just the beginning of the strange encounters.

A week ago I was walking along my driveway and on a low branch was a young bird. It did not fly away as I approached. As I came to the branch (which was slightly above my head), I reached up, and pulled it down. I was face to face with this bird, only 6 inches of air were between us. I observed it, then I petted its feathers, then observed it some more, then I tried to poke it softly off the branch to make it fly (it wouldn't budge), then observed it even more, then was a little bored. So I lifted the branch back up softly and it flew away. Strange, I thought.

The next day while walking across a path that lead to my other Grandmother's house it was in the grass. As I approached it flew into a near by bush. So I followed it and it still would not budge.

The following day I was walking over to my Aunt's (crossing the same path) and this bird came out of no where! It flew to the branch right above my head and it seemed as if he was observing me.

This was all so strange. I thought I was loosing it with reality. But, sadly, that was the last time I ever did see that bird.

Then, the next day, I was driving home from work and I saw a magpie up ahead on the telephone lines. It flew off and started to fly right at me. Straight for my windshield, then at the very last minute he swerved upward. It was like playing a game of chicken.

So bizarre.

Then, the next day, while walking back from my Grandmother's house I was reading while walking across my lawn. I decided I should probably watch where I was walking and as I looked down I was just about to step on a bird. Phew! That was a close one. I looked at the bird, it wasn't a brand new baby. I'm surprised he didn't fly away. He just starred and starred. I walked to the side and he just continued to stare. I felt a little awkward. He hopped through the grass, his beady black eyes still starring into mine.

I decided to walk toward him. He broke eye contact. HA! Then he hopped away. I realized he couldn't fly, poor thing. And I knew exactly what would happen if my cat found him. I couldn't bare to see that happen to him. So I captured him into a box that I filled with grass and put a small, net covering on top so he could still enjoy the sunshine and the breeze. I even fed him worms and water. He loved me. I loved him.

Finally I found Simon and put him inside and released my little bird friend. Right when I released him where I found him a full grown red-robin fly right above my head and was making the loudest, most annoying chips and kept flying by. Probably his mother. Dang it. I wanted to raise him. I haven't seen him since. But I will never forget him or my other bird encounters!

Sometimes I wish I were a bird so I could fly too.


I am terrified of spiders. I thought this fear would diminish with age, but I'm 20 now and I still call my mom to come kill spiders for me. I guess time doesn't heal everything.

The other night I saw a black spider on my pillow. Naturally, I screamed! Then it ran away somewhere into my bed... so then I was forced to find somewhere else to sleep.

A few weeks ago when I was shampooing my hair there was something in it. I assumed it was dirt from mowing the lawn, so I got a hold of it and pulled it out. It was a spider.

I have a problem with eating. I mean sometimes I drool, it's quite a problem. I really can't help it. The other day while eating a roll I drooled... and out came a spider. Bleh! So maybe drooling is a good thing.. right?

Dear spiders, please please leave me alone. Mmmmkay? Thanks.

Friday, June 25, 2010

What I'm Made Of

I'm made of sugar, spice, and everything nice... Ha. Not. Here's what really makes me me.

1. I can't sleep without socks on.
2. I love jicama.
3. I can't read sheet music anymore, so I learn all of my piano songs by watching youtube.
4. I drink atleast 1/2 gallon of milk, daily.
5. I shower every single day of the week.
Often twice a day.

Occasionally three times a day.
6. I have a new obsession with Kerli's music.
7. I hate the feel of glass. Hate it.
8. I love to read, especially non-fiction.
9. I like to watch the news.. and OPRAH.
10. I can and will dominate any laser tag game.

Some of these might seem kind of odd, but it's who I am. :) Plus this world is huge so I know I'm not the only one!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vacation, Vacation. I need another vacation.

I've had so much fun the past couple of weeks. It's just one vacation after the next for me. First I went to St. George with the fam. I did what I wanted, when I wanted. It was great! We slept in every day, made a trip to the temple, ate out, swam and layed out all day, played a little tennis, watched Alice in Wonderland 3 times, ate candy all day long, and played a lot of balderdash. Oh my, I already miss it!

Then I came home, unpacked, did laundry, kicked it for a few days, then packed up again for California with the cousins. It was a wonderful trip!

Day 1: Drive, drive, drive all the way to Barstow, CA. Sleep.
Day 2: Drive 2 more hours to SIX FLAGS! Ride some wicked coasters. Party.
Day 3: Spend the day as a beach bum on Santa Monica beach. Drive 4 hours to Buffalo Bills Casino and Hotel. Sleep.
Day 4: Drive back to home sweet home.

Following day: unpack, do laundry, try to come to terms that all of my big summer vacation plans are officially over.
Monday: Work. Back to reality.
However, I don't think I'm fully back to reality because I can't seem to stop reliving my trips!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hello Sunshine!

Nobody should be this white in June. Nobody. I've had it. I'm leavin. Headin south. Disconnecting from the world. No phone. No laptop. Just me, my swimming suit, and some good non-fiction books. And I won't be back until I'm somewhat tan.

Time will not apply to me. I will follow no schedule. I will have no commitments or responsibilities. I will do what I want, when I want. I'll eat when I'm hungry and sleep when I'm tired. I'm going to do whatever I feel like and enjoy every minute of it.

I'm going to be one happy kid for the next week. :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

20 and a half !!

I recently went to see a doctor for a check up. The conversation with the receptionist went a little something like this:

-Receptionist: Are you at least 18 or older?
-Me: Yes.
-Receptionist: Please sign this form.
-My Mother: [Proudly declares] She's actually 19!
*Receptionist gives a half smile...*

*I look at my Mother waiting for the joke...*
-Me: No, Mom. I'm actually 20 (and a half).

I won't tell you her age, seeing as she just had a birthday and may be a little sensitive about getting older... but you would think it would be really easy to remember my age considering that we're exactly 30 years apart!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I very much dislike bees

In my childhood I had a traumatic experience involving bees. (I may or may not exaggerate that. It's been many years now that I think my subconscious makes it even more traumatic than it really was...)

But being the considerate person I am, I'll spare you the gruesome details. Just know that I fear them greatly.

On Sunday I found out my parents want to get into bee keeping...

Yeah, you read that right.

Reality Dreams?

Sometimes I can't remember my dreams from reality.
It's almost a daily occurence these days...

Did I go to work? - Or was that a dream?
Is it the weekend? - Or was that a dream?
Am I really stuck in Russia? - Or was that a dream?
Did I cut my hair? - Or was that a dream?
Am I really blind? - Or was that a dream?

Seriously... It's a huge problem these days.
The other day my friends and I saw a bumblebee larger than the size of our thumbs. They were going crazy while trying to get a picture of it as proof! Personally, I thought they were a little silly and thought it wasn't such a big deal, after all - there are bigger bumblebees out there. I quickly told them of the time I saw a bumblebee the size of my fist!!

The instant I finished saying that sentence to them was when I realized that that was not reality, but in fact, a very strange dream I once had. I then tried to explain to my friends that it was a dream. (I still can't tell if they believe me or just think I'm crazy...)

But I promise you this - I really did see [in a dream] a bumblebee the size of my fist!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Potatoes Potatoes

The other day my friend and I travelled up the mountain to shoot a potatoe launcher. Now, I've never seen one before and didn't really know what to expect.. but I'm telling you this was no potatoe launcher. It was a freakin cannon! It was huge!! We did a few dry runs and the noise it made was incredible. I couldn't wait to load a potatoe into that monster of a cannon.

The time had come. The potatoe was loaded. We sprayed some fuel. We lit the fire....


Tried it again.


Then to our dismay two men came up the trail wanting to 'enjoy the view'. Whatev. So we we're going to wait until they were gone to try again but one of the men noticed the launcher and asked us if it was a potatoe launcher. Yup. Apparently he knew all about them.

He told us stories of how he used to make them out of metal and use actual gun powder. It sounded dangerous but pretty legit. This man really knows what he's talking about. Maybe he could help us fix our problem!

He began telling us that we needed much MUCH more fuel and to stick the can directly into the hole then light that sucker. As he was telling Kyle all of this I was just observing, from a safe distance. This man was wearing a long sleeve shirt, but something wasn't right.


The man was missing an entire arm! I don't think it's smart to take advice on how to lauch a cannon from a man missing one arm.

I looked at Kyle trying to get his attention. I failed...

Good thing the launcher failed too.

That's enough fuel and fire for me. I'd rather keep both of my arms, thank you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time there was a young 14 year-old girl who was in her last week of the 8th grade. She was anticipating the fun, end of year activities. But most of all, she was anticipating the summer.

The night before the second to last day of school, this girl went on a hike with her young women's group. Being the competitive type, she challenged another young 14 year-old to have a race down the mountain. (The winner of the race is irrelevant to the story...) At the bottom of the hill this girl's toe made the loudest POP you ever did hear. It was heard 'round the world. These young girls laughed and joked about how 'old' they were getting. (Ironic, considering the events to follow.)

Well her toe popped, which didn't really hurt, and she thought nothing more about it. The next morning she got out of bed and fell when she tried to take a step. Her toe was in so much pain! So she hopped to the shower, but the toe eventually got better to where she could put some pressure on it and limp to get around. (Being the second to last day of school, she chose to suck it up.) But, sadly, the pain progressed during the day and when she got home she showed her mother. Lucky for her, her mother is a registered nurse. Turns out she had GOUT.

GOUT = a form of arthritis most commonly found in men of 64. (Interesting fact: It is commonly referred to as "the disease of kings" or "the rich man's disease") Yeah, who's old now?!

Her aunt just so happened to have one of those black boot things. This help take the pressure off of the foot so you can walk. However, her aunt is much taller than her and the boot goes past her knee (which caused some challenges in walking). It was the last day of school and she had to wear this black boot that was much too tall for a 14 year-old and also was just ridiculous looking... but she enjoyed her last day of school anyways.

First day of summer came. Still in the boot.
Second day of summer came. Still in the boot.

Third day of summer - FREEDOM!!! Finally all this anticipation came to an end and she started to enjoy what she had been waiting for! At 14 you're too young too work, but you're old enough to go out and do fun things. It's the time of a young girl's life!

3 days later, however, she got a seriouly bad case of pneumonia.

So long summer...


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Got Milk?

Dear Milk
I have loved you since the day I was born.
Our relationship has grown so strong over the past 20 years.
Imagine what it could be if my mom would buy the whole you instead of just 1% of you.
(You have so much greatness, she just can't see that yet. Give her time.)
You are always waiting so patiently in the fridge for me.
You never complain.
You always make me feel better.
However, my nutrition teacher made me take a test.
She said that 4 gallons a week wasn't good for me.
I thought she was crazy!
Then I got the results back...
She was right.
I bought a water bottle the other day.
I know what you're thinking.
I'm sorry.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


When I was in highschool I had the opportunity to participate in an internship. I was able to intern with Mrs. Collado's 5th grade elementary class. It was a great learning experience for me.I was able to show my creative side by decorating the bulletin boards, the classroom, and creating games for the kids. I was also able to share my knowledge when opportunities came up where I was able to teach the kids lessons and help them with their assignments. I was even able to exercise my authority by administering tests and discipling when necessary.

But more importantly, I was able to improve upon my athletic abilities during recess. (Yes I went to recess with them :) There is a time and place for grading papers and recess is NOT the time nor the place.) Those 10 and 11 years olds amazed me with their incredible athletic ability. They were some serious competition when we got a game of kickball going.I mean it. They really were impressive! However, being 17 at the time I think I had quite an advantage over them. Especially when it came to tetherball.

I think there's some kind of unspoken rule where you're suppose to let younger kids win when you're playing a game, or atleast make it a really really close game. But... with my competitive nature I showed NO mercy! (I'm still undefeated to this day :)) They had no chance. Poor kids.

OHH who am I kidding?!
Truth be told, they were the one's who were letting me win.
I miss them..

Friday, April 2, 2010

Catch Me. Please?

When I was 12 years old I received a tetanus shot. Then minutes later my shoulders really started to ache and began to feel rather heavy. “Hmmm, that’s strange.” I thought. I just tried to ignore it.

Another minute or so went by and then I lost all feeling. This included my feet which, as you can imagine, made it rather difficult to simply stand up. “Wow, now that‘s really strange.” I thought. So I then put all of my concentration into balancing so I could just stand upright. (I probably should have lied down but I was more concerned about what the 200+ people in the gymnasium would have thought of me. Keep in mind I was only 12.:))

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any stranger, everything went black and I could no longer see. Perfect. Once this happened then I thought maybe it was finally time to tell someone. I knew Kelsey was behind me so I said, “Kelsey, catch me.” In the darkness I heard a loud BANG! Although I couldn’t feel anything at the time (trust me, I was feeling it for a long time afterwards!) I knew exactly what had happened.

I ‘awoke’ to find myself flat on my back and surrounded by my mother and a bunch of doctor’s. They were all calling my name and asking a bunch of questions all at once. I couldn’t comprehend anything they were trying to ask me. It all felt like a dream. I only had ONE thing on my mind, so first thing’s first - I sat up, looked directly at Kelsey and said, “YOU DIDN’T CATCH ME!” (Apparently she never heard me…)

The doctors told me my nerves from getting a shot is probably what caused me to faint. Pffft! I wasn’t even nervous. But they ARE the doctors, so I’ve avoided needles at all costs over the past 8 years. I didn't want a repeat of what happened and I knew I couldn't count on Kelsey to catch me ;) I had to get some blood drawn the other day and when the doctor told me that I think that I may have gone into shock. So she took me to the room where they take your blood and the nurse is preparing for me. I noticed one vile on the counter. I can’t believe I have to fill that whole thing!! Then she puts 4 more on the counter.. Ugh. Now I’m getting really nervous.

Here comes that needle, it’s been 8 years - I’ve forgotten what to expect. But to my surprise I barely felt it. I watched as the blood spurted into the vile. This. Is. AWESOME! I don’t think she could have filled up those 5 viles any faster.

I’m actually positive that she didn’t get enough blood. Infact, I should probably go back and have her draw 5 more viles just for good measure. And this time, I want to stick the needle in.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm left handed. I've never thought much about it really. Then I came across this thing called SQUIDOO. It may sound funny, but it's totally legit. I swear.

It says, "Social stigmas still prevail and many everyday tasks the right-handed people never think twice about are difficult for a leftie. With only 7-10 percent of the population on their side, left-handed folks tend to be male which means that left-handed females are truly a minority."

That would be me. That just makes me that much more unique. Different. Special. Cool.

I think people assume we have bad handwriting because of the way we hold our pen 'different' from a right handed person. Have you seen how we hold our pens? We've learned to hold it that way because if we don't then we can't see what we're writing and ink smears all OVER! It's a huge mess. Give us a break.

I remember at a parent-teacher conference my teacher told my mom that I had good handwriting... for a lefty. Umm, thanks?

No really, thanks. I love it when people compliment my handwriting. :)

Facts from SQUIDOO:

Left-Handed are not only few in numbers but they're also very talented and gifted. (I can't argue with that. After all, they are the experts.)

Lefties have a shorter life span. (Dang it.. I better go now)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Watch Out World

I love my job. Seriously, how many people can say that sincerely?

Today at work, while talking with a fellow employee, my boss came up to tell us something. Doesn't he know it's rude to interrupt someone while they are in the middle of a conversation? I don't care who you are - you're not getting away with that when you're around me. I told him he had to wait until we were done talking. While he was waiting for our conversation to end,the phone rang. The phone on my desk. But I was busy conversing so I told my boss to get it.

I was joking when I told him to answer my phone, but he did it - no questions asked. (Probably his biggest mistake.) I wonder what else I could tell him to do? I've already gotten a key to the building and all the security codes. I practically run the place myself.

Watch out world, here I come.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Morning Person

When I get OFF work the sun is just coming UP. Do you comprehend that? Because sometimes, quite frankly, I'm still a little confused when I get off..... But I love my job. I love driving when there's not a single car on the road. And I especially love all those dedicated people that I get to see regularly each morning. It really is great. :)

Then once I get home home from work it's off to school... ugh.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I don't complain about too many things. Infact, the only thing I can think of is snow. Now don't get me wrong, I loooove snow. But only during Christmas break and on weekends. I hate when it snows over night and then I can't get out of my mile long driveway. I hate driving through the snow at anytime. I hate walking through it and then having my pants and moccasins all wet for work and school. (Nobody, not even snow messes with MY moccasins and gets away with it. Got it?!) If it's going to snow (since Christmas break is long gone) it should only stay around on weekends. Is that too much to ask for? Goodness...

Well today walking out of the grocery store with both hands full of bags it was perfect weather out. Sunny blue sky stretching as far as the eye could see with a few puffy, brilliant white clouds. Oh how I love clouds! The temperature was just right and there was no snow to be found. And then..... a BEE! ugh. I. Hate. Bees. Hate 'em.

You know when you're in a public place, whether it be an outdoor restaurant (I guess there are some indoor exceptions...) a sporting event, the park... whatever the case may be and there's a bee buzzing around and everyone is minding their own business but there is that one person who can't seem to do anything but watch the bee and then they flinch when it gets within 20 feet of them? And then when it's about 5 feet away they just start freaking out? They're running around, flailing their arms, knocking things and people over while screaming this high pitched scream just to get away from this tiny bee?

Yeah... I'm one of those people. Today in the parking lot I had both of my hands full with groceries, desperately trying to get my car unlocked while being chased by this bee. It wasn't like this bee was buzzin around my car. It was waiting for me at the neighborhood wal-mart doors. I kid you not. As soon as I walked out it was there and it followed me to my car!! I have never ran so fast in my life, also I swear I have never parked so far away from the doors in my life.

As I ran from this bee though, one thought crossed my mind, "If there was snow outside right now this bee would not be here." Then I swear the bee laughed at me! But, that could have been the kid waiting in the car parked next to mine.... not sure.

Snow, I'm sorry. Please please please come back to me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Sometimes I ride the bus home from school.
Sometimes I'm entertained for the whole 20 minutes just by watching the different people.
Sometimes crazy people strike up crazy conversations about how it's the end of the world but they have 'connections' to top secret bunkers.
Sometimes I just play along with their crazy conversations.
Sometimes I actually have a regular conversation on the bus.
Sometimes I don't converse with anyone on the bus.
Sometimes I prefer that.
Sometimes I check what book the old man in the front of the bus is reading.
Sometimes he just writes in his journal on the bus.
Sometimes I just watch the world fly by from the inside of the bus.
Sometimes I have a lot of fun on the bus.
Sometimes I make friends on the bus.
Sometimes I get asked out on dates on the bus.
Sometimes I say "No thanks" to those who ask me out on the bus.

Monday, March 8, 2010

International Women's Day

Here I am going about my business like any other day. About 10 minutes ago however, everything changed. I just found out that TODAY is


... I never knew there was even such a day! According to MSN, "International Women's Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future." (I think I fit into all categories.) Heck, I probably wouldn't have even gone into work today had I know it was International Women's Day. (Or would that defeat the purpose of celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women...?) Either way, not one person at work today wished me a happy International Women's Day. Rude, I know. But I'm not going to let that stop me from celebrating the 9.5 hours left of this wonderful holiday! (Dang, I should have saved that HERO video my dad sent me over e-mail. That would have fit in perfectly with today's post. :))

Sunday, March 7, 2010


BEAUTY - the quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind, as by line, color, form, texture, proportion, rhythmic motion, tone, etc., or by behavior, attitude, etc.

Something cannot simply be defined as beautiful, can it? I would think not because that depends on the classifier's opinion. (Or perspective :) I really do love that word.) I may find one thing beautiful and you may find it hideous. Either way, here are a few things that I find beauty in. (In no particular order except the first two I do find the absolute most beautiful of them all)
Aren't these girls beautiful?
And these boys below are just as adorable!
Conquering (anything)
Helping hands :)
This one is all symbolic.
The GREAT outdoors.
I have an obsession with clouds. :)
Simply Amazing!
Piano. Need I say more?
Violin. (And her long brown hair :))

There is so much beauty all around! I could post pictures for days of all the things I find beautiful. What do you find beautiful?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My home away from home!

I loved loved loved Snow College.
Everybody there is friendly and we become like family. Not even kidding. I wear my Snow College hoodie to school (Weber) sometimes and without fail I always get people telling me they went there too and how much they loved it and we talk and talk and talk as if we've known each other for our entire lives. It's great.
I loved my classes, the professors, the campus, the friends and OF COURSE my wonderful roommates. I liked Ephraim too.. but I missed my home and last semester I looked for every opportunity to come home! Now I am home and am always looking for opportunities to go back to Ephraim! Ugh, there's got to be a solution to this.
Anyhow, tomorrow I am leaving for Ephraim :) And I can't wait. I would leave right now if it wasn't for school...
(My apartment contract was for a full year unless you can sell it, which I found is pretty much impossible. But looking on the positive side, it means I will always have a bed when I go and visit :))

Here are some of the things I look forward to when I go on visits to Ephraim. :)

My roommates :)

TAFTSWEAT?, friends, parties, etc.


I'm going to disconnect from the world so I can enjoy every minute of my time in Ephraim for the next 4 or so days.. Goodbye :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Love My DAD

CLICK HERE to see video.

I received this in an e-mail from my own father. So I don't feel guilty ONE BIT about putting it on my blog. I love it :)


Friday, February 26, 2010

12 hours

I've survived severe headaches, numberous infections, a few gashed open toes, countless jammed fingers, high fevers, a broken finger, an ATV crash, gout... I've survived all of this without any kind of pain medicine. I admit, I came close to taking them when I had gout but never could swallow that pill. In fact, I didn't even learn how to swallow pills until I started college. (And that was for vitamins, not meds :))

I've never taken ibuprofen. That is... until this past October. Shortly after my 20th birthday I seriously hurt my back. I was all alone in the apartment when it happened and the pain was so great that it literally paralyzed me. It was frightening. After what seemed like an eternity one of my roommates came home and found me in tears from the immense pain. She disappeared and immediately reappeared with some pills. I was in so much pain that I just swallowed what she gave me - no questions asked. It was 6:30pm. By 7pm I was out cold.

I woke up after what felt like 15 minutes. I was a little sore when I moved but amazingly the pain was pretty much gone! I found myself in bed covered with a blanket and a heating pad was on my back. What sweet roommates I have. I checked the clock - it was 7 AM! Amazing.

I haven't taken ibuprofen since. (Only because I haven't gotten injured since.) But next time I am in a situation where I need pain meds, trust me, I will not hesitate to swallow that ibuprofen.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stuffed Animals

I've had a few stuffed animals in my lifetime. I loved them like they were my own children. I respected their feelings and made sure they all recieved equal amounts of play time with me. We travelled across America and Europe together and if I decided to bring one - then I'd have to bring them all. It was only fair. We share many great memories. They were always nonjudgemental, they kept me safe at night, and they provided me the comfort that I needed when I needed it.

But that was when I was a child. I've since grown up and can't even remember whatever happened to my 'best friends'. Sad, but true. Over these past years I've learned to survive without them. I've 'outgrown' them. I've almost completely forgotten about them.

Floribel recently got home from a trip to the happiest place on Earth- DISNEYLAND. Since I could not go she was thoughtful enough to bring me back a piece of the happiest place on Earth. She gave me a beautiful necklace with my initial on it. Love it. In addition to that, she also got me a stuffed animal.
Cutest thing ever. It's baby Pluto! (Comes with his own adorable hooded blanket too.)

Now I am wondering, how did I ever manage go this long without a stuffed animal? They comfort you in a way that no other person can. Do yourself a favor - go buy a stuffed animal today. (I don't care how old you are)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.

I first fell in love with SURVIVOR when I was a young sophomore in high school. I love everything about it - the strategy involved, the challenges, the rewards... oh I could go on! Best. Show. Ever. I've dreamed about being on the show. I wouldn't do it for the million (although that would be a nice little side bonus if I did win :)) I would do it simply for the love of the game.

For 4 years now I've been watching SURVIVOR all by myself because none of my friends or family watch it. That's 9 seasons of exciting blindsides and victories! My family members would run for cover when I got done watching an episode because I would have to explain to them all the exciting points of the episode. It was simply too exciting to keep to myself. I HAD to talk to somebody about it. But since they don't watch it I would then have to explain who's who and what the alliances 'appear' to be and what they really are and the strategies that are brewing up and etc. You get the idea... not all that fun.

This year I found out that my next door neighbor, Mike Hilton, watches Survivor too. Not just Mike, but his whole family plus the Campbell's. What? For 4 years there has been a group of people having a SURVIVOR party while I watch it alone. I wish I would have known this 9 seasons ago... oh well. Can't change the past.

Last week I was invited to their SURVIVOR party to watch it with them. Life changing. My 10th season of SURVIVOR is going to be amazing now that I have a group of people I can talk to who actually know what I'm talking about. Oh it's so exciting! See you Thursday for our next party my fellow survivor friends.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Living In The Moment

I love Germany. I love the landscape. I love the food. I love the language. I love the traditions. I love it all. (minus the beer and cigarettes)

I had the priviledge of living there for 5 whole years. That's a fourth of my lifetime. Sadly, that fraction is getting smaller and smaller with each passing year. What's even more sad is my memories are fading with each passing day.
As I grow older I appreciate that opportunity more and more. It was a wonderful experience, but in the moment I didn't appreciate it. Originally we were only suppose to be there for 3 years. I was definitely living in the future as I counted down those three years in anticipation of my grand return back to Utah. When three years were up I was told we would be staying another 2 years... what!?!! I could not believe this.

But what could I do? Absolutely nothing. A year went by and one brother was already back in Utah attending BYU and the other was leaving to move in with my grandparents and complete his senior year with his friends in Utah. How unfair, I thought. But looking back I wish I could have seen that it was unfair that my brothers didn't get the full 5 year experience. I guess over time I have developed a new perspective on the situation. :)

I've been home for 6 years now. That's longer than the time I actually spent in Germany. I miss it so much and want to go back to visit. One day I will, but it won't be the same. I regret not living in the moment for those 5 years. I'm not going to let that happen ever again.

"Don’t let your life pass you by, focus on the present and enjoy today!"

- Glen Hopkins

Sunday, February 21, 2010


the relationship or proportion of the parts of a whole, regarded from a particular standpoint

Okay, obviously it's a man playing the saxophone. Well, from my point of view anyways...

a specific point of view in understanding or judging things or events, esp. one that shows them in their true relations to one another.

Take ice for example. Depending on your perspective, ice could be a number of things. According to Reader's Digest:

As a sheer challenge.

As a sign of life.

As a thing of beauty.

As an upscale igloo.

the appearance of objects or scenes as determined by their relative distance and positions.

I don't blame her - from her perspective an elephant really is bigger than the moon. Final answer.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Good Citizen

I use my right to vote.
I follow all street laws (I come to COMPLETE stops at stop signs. None of this rolling business.)
I pay my taxes every year.
I care for the environment and do what I can to make it better.
I am honest in everything that I do.

I am a good citizen, but I still can't help feeling nervous while in the presence of a cop. Why is that?

I respect cops and what they do but maybe I get nervous because they have quite a bit of power. Let's face it, if it was ever your word against their's - they would win every time.

Today while running I noticed in the distance was a cop car coming my way. It was the only car on the street and I'm the only one on the sidewalk. I kept my eye on him as he got closer. I'm running, what could I possibly do wrong to violate any laws?! Well that's rational thinking. However sometimes my imagination gets the better of me. I was starting to get somewhat nervous, just somewhat when all of the sudden he reached up for something -


I flinched a little when I saw his arm start to reach up. I knew it, he was going to turn his lights on and 'pull' me over. Or maybe he was reaching for a gun or some cuffs. My heart started beating faster and I noticed that I picked up my pace significantly. I was no longer 'somewhat' nervous. This was a full panic now.

Oh... He was just waving 'hello' at me. *sigh of relief*

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What is that?!

A few years ago while working at Gold's Gym child care center, it was unusually slow. Instead of 30 kids to take care of there were only 3... the other worker was watching the two babies while I was lucky enough to be having a tea party with Gracie, a four year old girl. During the tea party (which I'll have you know I was the Guest of Honor :))We noticed a hole in the wall that was barely big enough to fit my pointer finger through.

I've never noticed that hole before.

Gracie soon lost interest in the tea party and became obsessed with this hole. She wondered what was in the hole but she was too scared to put her finger through to find out. So I put my finger through it to show her that there was nothing to be afraid of. I still could not convince her that nothing was in there though. It was like she knew something that I didn't...

One thing led to another and now we were taking silly pictures on my digital camera. But she again lost interest and was AGAIN drawn to this strange hole in the wall. What's the deal? Now she wants to takes pictures of the hole. Whatever - she was having fun so I just sat back and relaxed while she obsessed over this hole. After a few minutes she brought the camera back to me so I could show her how to view the pictures she'd taken on my camera. We looked through them together. There was picture after picture of this stupid hole but one of them was much different than the rest. I was shocked to discover this -

Can you say creepy!?!

I will never be putting my fingers in dark holes ever again... and I advise the same to you. Who knows what's in there..

Monday, February 15, 2010

there's one in all of us

I have to say that when I saw Where The Wild Things Are I LOVED it. Strange, yes... but I loved it. Mostly because I think I can easily identify myself with Max. (Oh how I love that name too.)

For those of you who haven't seen this movie... it's about a boy named Max who is rambunctious and has an incredible imagination. He feels misunderstood at home and after an argument he runs away. Not only physically, but to a whole other world of his imagination. An ocean away he lands on an island where he meets large wild beasts whose emotions are as unpredictable and wild as their actions. One beast in particular, Carol, is very similar to Max in temperament. Instead of eating him, they crown him king because Max proclaims that he can magically solve all of their problems and he can create a place where everyone will be happy.

I am a daydreamer. Big time. I may be physically on the same planet as you, but trust me.. I'm living in a whole different world. Maybe it's all in 'perspective'. That's what my psychology professor keeps telling me anyways..

Anyhow, I'm going to keep on living in 'my world' thank you.

"Inside all of us is... hope. Inside all of us is... fear. Inside all of us is... adventure. Inside all of us is a wild thing."

p.s. DIBS on naming my son Max. I called it.