Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vacation, Vacation. I need another vacation.

I've had so much fun the past couple of weeks. It's just one vacation after the next for me. First I went to St. George with the fam. I did what I wanted, when I wanted. It was great! We slept in every day, made a trip to the temple, ate out, swam and layed out all day, played a little tennis, watched Alice in Wonderland 3 times, ate candy all day long, and played a lot of balderdash. Oh my, I already miss it!

Then I came home, unpacked, did laundry, kicked it for a few days, then packed up again for California with the cousins. It was a wonderful trip!

Day 1: Drive, drive, drive all the way to Barstow, CA. Sleep.
Day 2: Drive 2 more hours to SIX FLAGS! Ride some wicked coasters. Party.
Day 3: Spend the day as a beach bum on Santa Monica beach. Drive 4 hours to Buffalo Bills Casino and Hotel. Sleep.
Day 4: Drive back to home sweet home.

Following day: unpack, do laundry, try to come to terms that all of my big summer vacation plans are officially over.
Monday: Work. Back to reality.
However, I don't think I'm fully back to reality because I can't seem to stop reliving my trips!

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