Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm left handed. I've never thought much about it really. Then I came across this thing called SQUIDOO. It may sound funny, but it's totally legit. I swear.

It says, "Social stigmas still prevail and many everyday tasks the right-handed people never think twice about are difficult for a leftie. With only 7-10 percent of the population on their side, left-handed folks tend to be male which means that left-handed females are truly a minority."

That would be me. That just makes me that much more unique. Different. Special. Cool.

I think people assume we have bad handwriting because of the way we hold our pen 'different' from a right handed person. Have you seen how we hold our pens? We've learned to hold it that way because if we don't then we can't see what we're writing and ink smears all OVER! It's a huge mess. Give us a break.

I remember at a parent-teacher conference my teacher told my mom that I had good handwriting... for a lefty. Umm, thanks?

No really, thanks. I love it when people compliment my handwriting. :)

Facts from SQUIDOO:

Left-Handed are not only few in numbers but they're also very talented and gifted. (I can't argue with that. After all, they are the experts.)

Lefties have a shorter life span. (Dang it.. I better go now)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Watch Out World

I love my job. Seriously, how many people can say that sincerely?

Today at work, while talking with a fellow employee, my boss came up to tell us something. Doesn't he know it's rude to interrupt someone while they are in the middle of a conversation? I don't care who you are - you're not getting away with that when you're around me. I told him he had to wait until we were done talking. While he was waiting for our conversation to end,the phone rang. The phone on my desk. But I was busy conversing so I told my boss to get it.

I was joking when I told him to answer my phone, but he did it - no questions asked. (Probably his biggest mistake.) I wonder what else I could tell him to do? I've already gotten a key to the building and all the security codes. I practically run the place myself.

Watch out world, here I come.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Morning Person

When I get OFF work the sun is just coming UP. Do you comprehend that? Because sometimes, quite frankly, I'm still a little confused when I get off..... But I love my job. I love driving when there's not a single car on the road. And I especially love all those dedicated people that I get to see regularly each morning. It really is great. :)

Then once I get home home from work it's off to school... ugh.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I don't complain about too many things. Infact, the only thing I can think of is snow. Now don't get me wrong, I loooove snow. But only during Christmas break and on weekends. I hate when it snows over night and then I can't get out of my mile long driveway. I hate driving through the snow at anytime. I hate walking through it and then having my pants and moccasins all wet for work and school. (Nobody, not even snow messes with MY moccasins and gets away with it. Got it?!) If it's going to snow (since Christmas break is long gone) it should only stay around on weekends. Is that too much to ask for? Goodness...

Well today walking out of the grocery store with both hands full of bags it was perfect weather out. Sunny blue sky stretching as far as the eye could see with a few puffy, brilliant white clouds. Oh how I love clouds! The temperature was just right and there was no snow to be found. And then..... a BEE! ugh. I. Hate. Bees. Hate 'em.

You know when you're in a public place, whether it be an outdoor restaurant (I guess there are some indoor exceptions...) a sporting event, the park... whatever the case may be and there's a bee buzzing around and everyone is minding their own business but there is that one person who can't seem to do anything but watch the bee and then they flinch when it gets within 20 feet of them? And then when it's about 5 feet away they just start freaking out? They're running around, flailing their arms, knocking things and people over while screaming this high pitched scream just to get away from this tiny bee?

Yeah... I'm one of those people. Today in the parking lot I had both of my hands full with groceries, desperately trying to get my car unlocked while being chased by this bee. It wasn't like this bee was buzzin around my car. It was waiting for me at the neighborhood wal-mart doors. I kid you not. As soon as I walked out it was there and it followed me to my car!! I have never ran so fast in my life, also I swear I have never parked so far away from the doors in my life.

As I ran from this bee though, one thought crossed my mind, "If there was snow outside right now this bee would not be here." Then I swear the bee laughed at me! But, that could have been the kid waiting in the car parked next to mine.... not sure.

Snow, I'm sorry. Please please please come back to me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Sometimes I ride the bus home from school.
Sometimes I'm entertained for the whole 20 minutes just by watching the different people.
Sometimes crazy people strike up crazy conversations about how it's the end of the world but they have 'connections' to top secret bunkers.
Sometimes I just play along with their crazy conversations.
Sometimes I actually have a regular conversation on the bus.
Sometimes I don't converse with anyone on the bus.
Sometimes I prefer that.
Sometimes I check what book the old man in the front of the bus is reading.
Sometimes he just writes in his journal on the bus.
Sometimes I just watch the world fly by from the inside of the bus.
Sometimes I have a lot of fun on the bus.
Sometimes I make friends on the bus.
Sometimes I get asked out on dates on the bus.
Sometimes I say "No thanks" to those who ask me out on the bus.

Monday, March 8, 2010

International Women's Day

Here I am going about my business like any other day. About 10 minutes ago however, everything changed. I just found out that TODAY is


... I never knew there was even such a day! According to MSN, "International Women's Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future." (I think I fit into all categories.) Heck, I probably wouldn't have even gone into work today had I know it was International Women's Day. (Or would that defeat the purpose of celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women...?) Either way, not one person at work today wished me a happy International Women's Day. Rude, I know. But I'm not going to let that stop me from celebrating the 9.5 hours left of this wonderful holiday! (Dang, I should have saved that HERO video my dad sent me over e-mail. That would have fit in perfectly with today's post. :))

Sunday, March 7, 2010


BEAUTY - the quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind, as by line, color, form, texture, proportion, rhythmic motion, tone, etc., or by behavior, attitude, etc.

Something cannot simply be defined as beautiful, can it? I would think not because that depends on the classifier's opinion. (Or perspective :) I really do love that word.) I may find one thing beautiful and you may find it hideous. Either way, here are a few things that I find beauty in. (In no particular order except the first two I do find the absolute most beautiful of them all)
Aren't these girls beautiful?
And these boys below are just as adorable!
Conquering (anything)
Helping hands :)
This one is all symbolic.
The GREAT outdoors.
I have an obsession with clouds. :)
Simply Amazing!
Piano. Need I say more?
Violin. (And her long brown hair :))

There is so much beauty all around! I could post pictures for days of all the things I find beautiful. What do you find beautiful?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My home away from home!

I loved loved loved Snow College.
Everybody there is friendly and we become like family. Not even kidding. I wear my Snow College hoodie to school (Weber) sometimes and without fail I always get people telling me they went there too and how much they loved it and we talk and talk and talk as if we've known each other for our entire lives. It's great.
I loved my classes, the professors, the campus, the friends and OF COURSE my wonderful roommates. I liked Ephraim too.. but I missed my home and last semester I looked for every opportunity to come home! Now I am home and am always looking for opportunities to go back to Ephraim! Ugh, there's got to be a solution to this.
Anyhow, tomorrow I am leaving for Ephraim :) And I can't wait. I would leave right now if it wasn't for school...
(My apartment contract was for a full year unless you can sell it, which I found is pretty much impossible. But looking on the positive side, it means I will always have a bed when I go and visit :))

Here are some of the things I look forward to when I go on visits to Ephraim. :)

My roommates :)

TAFTSWEAT?, friends, parties, etc.


I'm going to disconnect from the world so I can enjoy every minute of my time in Ephraim for the next 4 or so days.. Goodbye :)